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About this journal

The Journal of Open Humanities Data (JOHD) aims to be a key part of a thriving community of scholars sharing humanities data. The journal features peer reviewed publications describing humanities research objects or techniques with high potential for reuse. Humanities subjects of interest to JOHD include, but are not limited to Art History, Classics, History, Library Science, Linguistics, Literature, Media Studies, Modern Languages, Music and musicology, Philosophy, Religious Studies, etc. Submissions that cross one or more of these traditional disciplines are particularly encouraged.



  • Call for Papers: "Amplifying GLAM Collections: Scalable and Inclusive Data Practices"

    We are pleased to invite cultural heritage practitioners such as librarians, archivists, curators, and data stewards as well as researchers, scholars, and practitioners collaborating with them, to contribute to a Special Collection of the Journal of Open Humanities Data (JOHD) that focuses on GLAM collections as data. This is the first Collection by GLAM and for GLAM workers for JOHD and, to the best of our knowledge, for any other humanities data journal.

    We encourage both full research paper (3-5000 words) and data paper (1000 words) submissions about data derived from cultural heritage collections with potential reuse value for other cultural heritage organisations or researchers.

    Abstract submission: August 1, 2024 

    Paper submission: November 4, 2024.

  • Call for Papers: Data-Driven History of Ideas

    The new field of data-driven history of ideas combines qualitative, quantitative and computational methods to study the origins, development and spread of ideas across time and space. It faces unique challenges in focusing on concepts rather than words, and on accurate, multilingual long-data from both well-known and obscure authors, seen as carriers of ideas. Essential to the field are resources like curated bibliographic metadata, historical gazetteers, and annotation datasets; these, however, are typically not suitable for traditional academic publication channels.

    To bridge this divide, the special collection  Data-Driven History of Ideas aimes to establish a platform for specialised resources supporting the study of philosophical and scientific thought across epochs and geographical areas.

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